Archive for April, 2010


I accidentally stumbled upon these sweet little bungalows in Santa Monica, California. Taking up two square blocks, it is set for demolition paving way for construction of stark and cold condominiums and the process of gentrification. What struck me most about all of this was the Notice of Public Hearing notice. It says proposed “vacation.” Vacation is an actual legal term pertaining to complete or partial abandonment. The saddest thing is that it’s been over two years that these bungalows have been vacated and people who lived there have had their lives interrupted and uprooted for the idea of something better. What has happened to the displaced people that were part of this little community? I’m sure for them it was been no vacation.


Copyright Rebecca A. Battle. All Rights Reserved.


Considering that mostly all the things we eat, wear, watch or sleep on are made from some other country I was interested in learning how it all arrives to the United States. I took a trek to the port of Long Beach, but as I traveled I had no idea that the ports of Long Beach, San Pedro, and Los Angeles are connected together.  Except for a  policeman announcing over a loud speaker to “leave the premises immediately”, an undercover cop trailing me, and a security truck hot on my heels, I was amazed at the ease of access to these port roads. It all makes for quick shooting and not as many pictures as I would have liked.


Copyright Rebecca A. Battle. All Rights Reserved.


From the Wikipedia: Crepuscular rays in atmospheric optics, are rays of sunlight that appear to radiate from a single point in the sky. These rays, which stream through gaps in clouds or between other objects, are columns of sunlit air separated by darker cloud-shadowed regions. The name comes from their frequent occurrences during crepuscular hours (those around dawn and dusk), when the contrasts between light and dark are the most obvious.


Copyright Rebecca A. Battle. All Rights Reserved.


The beauty of cumulus clouds is of no doubt. White and puffy, a gathering of gas that under the right conditions forms like a cotton ball. The right photographic condition for me was a stormy day and a drive to Malibu. I hadn’t realized how dramatic the results until I started to edit these photographs. There are various names attached to clouds such as cumulus mediocris, cumulus congestus, and cumulus humlis. Upon learning of this, I also learned that the monographs of clouds that I shot actually have a name. Therefore I present cumulonimbus. Otherwise known as storm clouds.


Copyright Rebecca A. Battle. All Rights Reserved.